In another showing of near-death experiences "waking up" the alterna-characters, when Sun and Locke are both brought to the same hospital (Sun was hit by a stray bullet), a conscious Sun
reacted in terror to seeing a man who she knew was dangerous, but didn't quite know why (note: 2004 Sun would have no reason to fear 2004 Locke, so altera-Sun's (who is living in alterna-2004) memory of Locke is likely influenced by her 2007 Island self, which is probably good evidence that the existence of the alternaverse is a direct result of the Jughead explosion (as if we didn't have enough of such evidence, which goes against, to the best of my recollection, some things the writers were saying before the season started). Meanwhile, Desmond was able to guide Claire to the office of Ilana Verdansky, attorney-at-law (and yes, I did consider writing alterney-at-law... I have a pun problem). Turns out that Ilana is the estates attorney for the Sheppard family, and she reveals to Jack and Claire that they are siblings. But before they can talk about this, Jack gets called into surgery for a hit-and-run victim: John Locke. A nurse tells Jack that Locke's spine was already pretty messed up (how did he become paralyzed in this reality?), and we see a shot of a surgical mirror showing Locke's face, and then Jack's (more on this later). Finally, Sawyer and Miles interrogate Kate at the police station, and later arrest Sayid.

On the Island, Titus and Widmore both decide to execute their plans. When Zoe (Liz Lemon's twin sister) displays that the Widmore camp has missile capabilities, Titus begins his move to overtake Widmore and commandeer the Ajira plane. But Sawyer also decides the time is right for Operation: Sub Escape. He gets Jack to separate Hurley, Sun, and Lapidus from the group and have them meet up with him and Kate at a boat to take them to Hydra Island. Claire and Sayid aren't invited because they have turned to the Dark Side. However, unbeknownst to the group, Sayid might be on his way back after speaking with Desmond. Titus sent Sayid to kill Desmond, and we are reminded why Sayid is so willing to follow Titus: he promised to revive Nadia. But Desmond pointed out that what Sayid wants comes with a high cost, and points out that Nadia may not be able to accept what Sayid paid for her life. Also, Claire begins to show that she can be redeemed through Aaron, when Kate promises to reunite the 2 of them. Unfortunately for them, upon arriving at Hydra Island, Zoe takes the group prisoner. Except for Jack.
Jack jumped ship midway to Hydra Island, because he started to doubt leaving the Island again, stating that he felt such a deep feeling of emptiness after leaving it the last time. Ever since learning about the purpose of the Candidates, my two prime suspects were Jin and Jack: Jack because he's the de facto protagonist and Jin because he would have to choose between his wife and his duty (by the way, I was so happy to finally see them reunited). This development has given a lot of evidence to Jack being New Jacob, because he is the one who is being pulled the strongest to stay (and return) by the Island. And so we come back to Jack and Locke; Titus was waiting for Jack on the beach, and was ready to continue the trek to confront Widmore when a missile was sent to the beach, killing many of Titus' followers. It also sent Jack flying through the air and landing hard against/near a tree. We saw this minutes after Jack was preparing to operate on Locke in the alternaverse, which led me to believe that the episode was going to end with Jack saying that he couldn't feel his legs, and the camera panning down to his foot, for a similar shot of Locke's foot from Season 1 when he learned his legs had been restored. Instead, Titus told him that Jack was "with him now," and picked him up and slung him over his back. So my theory could still be true. We'll just have to wait 2 weeks to find out. (Most people I've told this to also said they thought Jack got paralyzed in the explosion, but one person who didn't come to that conclusion had an interesting theory of her own: Desmond, the man to whom "the rules don't apply," is Jacob's son...)
Up next: 5 to go...