Saturday, September 6, 2008

Any Ideas?

As I said before, law school is taking up a lot of time, and unfortunately, this blog cannot occupy the same amount of space in my mind that it could when I was chilling between undergrad and grad school. I will still continue to write here for as long as I can, but I haven't been able to think of new topics for a while. I considered juxtaposing 24 and Mad Men, since one moves at a breakneck pace, while the other takes its time like no other series that I've seen. I also thought about doing a series on the nerd trilogy trinity of the 70s and 80s (Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Back to the Future), then I remembered that I already did one of them (though this doesn't mean I can't do the other two separately).

However, I have decided to let people send me ideas for things they'd like to see me talk about. I have done that once, when my brother asked me to analyze LOST, and I'd like to hear about what you want to hear about. If I don't get any suggestions, I will think of something myself, but let's see what you all want.

Up next: That's up to you...

1 comment:

seananan said...

Write about The Simpsons and Futurama.