Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh, Canada!

In the transition from Dexter to Scott Pilgrim, we are going from one of the darkest worlds featured here (it revolves around a serial killer) to a fairly light one. Scott Pilgrim is about growing up, but the titular Scott is not going on that journey without kicking and screaming. The faux-manga series brilliantly uses humor, both straightforward and absurd, to tell the story of dealing with adult life and getting past issues.

I can't believe that this is the first comic book series to show up in The Other Worlds, and that the first one is not from Brian K. Vaughan. Rest assured that Vaughan's incredible works will eventually be featured here, but for now, come to know the works of another Bryan (ok, so substitute the "i" for the "y", and it's essentially the same name), Bryan Lee O'Malley.

Up next: Precious little lives...

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