In my last post on
Pushing Daisies, I meant to make some predictions about what could have been had the show gone on, because Bryan Fuller has said that he had a definite planned ending for the story of Ned and Chuck. I know that it won't do much good, since it will be nothing but speculation that will likely never be (dis)proven, but it's fun, I guess. But first, I don't know why I didn't figure out who the masked man was in "The Norwegians", but I'm kinda glad I didn't, because I was blown away by the reveal at the end. **SPOILER ALERT** Ned's father briefly showed up in the Pie Hole in the season premiere, and the reintroduction of Ned's half-brothers has led us to believe that Ned's father will make a reappearance sometime this season, but I was not expecting it like that. I had a hard time believing that Charles Charles was the masked man who saved Ned and Olive, but I couldn't think of anyone else who it could be. So now, the questions are these: why did Ned's dad have to conceal his identity from Ned (aside from any obvious explanation of Ned would resent him)? Why did he need to wear gloves when he touched Ned? And why is he back now (or has he been silently lurking in the shadows for longer than we've realized)?

Anyway, I have often wondered whether the people Ned touches and leaves alive can ever die again of natural causes. Digby is still alive, which leads me to believe that only a second touch from Ned can re-dead the people (I am still not sure if the people Ned touches can be killed through methods that would kill a normal person, such as being shot or stabbed; I'm inclined to think no, because many people brought back are in pretty messed up conditions). So I imagined an ending where Ned is very old, and Chuck is still young and beautiful. This ending has a few possibilities. One has me imagining Ned touching Chuck while on his deathbed, so they are reunited in death. Another sees Ned dying without touching Chuck again, and when Chuck kisses Ned's dead body, she learns that the touch only works if Ned is alive, and she is doomed to be alone forever. As you can see, I am very sadistic when it comes to fictional characters. This is a dark story (in spite of the bright colors), and I feel something like the above ideas would fit it well. But now, we'll probably never know Fuller's intentions. Oh well.
Up next: More great stuff...
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