The time travel aspect allows the writers to show us what was happening on the island before the arrival of the DHARMA Initiative, which, as it seems, was pretty much what it was like after DHARMA; the Others were defending their Island from outsiders. Speaking of which, now we know that there is (very likely) a giant bomb buried on the Island. That won't end well... Daniel failed to realize that just because it hasn't gone off yet doesn't mean it won't go off at all. Oh, and is it just me, or is anyone else perplexed as to how no one who meets the islanders in the past seems to remember them in the present, even though LOST operates under the time travel theory that you can't change things because the "changes" you make lead to the present you remember? How did Rousseau (who is so hot as a young woman) not remember Jin? How did Desmond and Daniel not remember each other? I know, I know, it's a TV show, and they didn't plan that far ahead, so there are going to be some inconsistencies, but I have come to expect a lot from this show, because the writers have had such long-term plans.

Still, despite the slow pace right now and the slight time travel inconsistencies, LOST remains an incredibly engaging show. I have a few theories about certain things going on right now, but the only one I will reveal is my most bizarre theory (my main one has basically been confirmed by an ABC press release, and I don't want to put something up that I know is a spoiler; if I weren't sure, I would post it, but I can no longer do so in good faith). Basically, the producers have made a point of saying that Vincent the dog will be around until the show ends. In "The Little Prince", the characters noted that, in the future, Vincent got off his leash. Then I remembered the webisode where Christian Shepherd's ghost (?) told Vincent to wake up Jack because Jack had work to do. This led me to remembering a story Locke told in Season 1 about how his foster sister died, and his foster mother was inconsoleable. One day, a dog showed up and slept in his sister's bed and did a few things that made the mother think it was her daughter reincarnated. Maybe Vincent is someone reincarnated?
Up next: Decisions...
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