Although Sawyer's alternalife is pretty sweet - he and Miles make a good team, he gets set up on a date with Charlotte, who works with Miles' dad (Dr. Cheng) at a museum - he still had to suffer the loss of his parents when Anthony "Sawyer" Cooper conned them out of their life savings. But in this world, he channeled his rage into a pursuit of justice rather than taking on the mantle of the man he was pursuing. But he isn't a saint; he still wants to find and kill Cooper, and he is close to tracking him down. The question is, what will it mean in the alternaverse? In the other universe, Locke was the one who brought Sawyer and Cooper together, knowing full well that Sawyer would kill Cooper. And that's how Locke wanted it. But in the alternaverse, Locke and his dad have a good relationship (as does Ben and his dad; too bad Jack and Kate still hate their fathers this time around).

Back on the Island, Titus is marshaling his troops after their attack on the Temple. Kate, Sawyer, and Jin clearly don't want to be associated with him any more than they have to. For Sawyer, Titus is a means to an end (getting off the Island, where he has been for 3 years). Kate was brought to him in order to keep living, while Jin is only there because of his hurt leg. Otherwise, he'd be off looking for Sun (assuming Titus didn't stop him). Sayid, on the other hand, seems to have lost all motivation and faith in anyone; when Claire attacked Kate for "stealing" Aaron, Sayid stood by and watched with a blank look on his face. Titus eventually sent Sawyer on a mission to Hydra Island to find any remaining Ajira 316 survivors. Instead, he meets Tina Fey... I mean Zoe, who is one of Widmore's sub crew members. She takes him to Widmore, and Sawyer promises to lure Titus over to the Island so Widmore can kill him, in exchange for passage off the Island. But when Sawyer gets back to Titus, he tells Titus of his bargain with Widmore. But then, Sawyer reveals to Kate that he is working his greatest con ever: He is pitting Widmore and Titus against each other so that, while they are preoccupied, he and the other 815 survivors can take Widmore's sub and finally get off the Island for good.
Up next: The next episode can't come fast enough...
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