Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I've presented a lot of worlds that have been told at the movie theater, on television, and in books. I have talked about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, a web series, but only because it was written by Joss Whedon. However, since watching the good doctor, I have discovered that there are plenty of other web series worth checking out. Granted, the three I am about to present are only a fraction of a fraction of a small percentage of the web series out there (anyone with a camera and an idea can make a webseries, just like any guy with free time and literacy can write a blog).

The first is Dr. Horrible, which gets preference since it was written by Whedon and was the first series that I watched. After that, I will look at The Guild, which was created, written by and stars Felicia Day (who played Penny in Dr. Horrible). The Guild follows a group of World of Warcraft players as they live their lives as hybrids of reality and game stereotypes. Finally, I look at The Legend of Neil, a recently discovered series that parotributes (my new word for something that parodies and pays tribute to its source material) The Legend of Zelda (of which I'm a huge fan). How did I discover Neil? I learned that Felicia Day guest starred as a naughty fairy (I'm starting to think that this attention I pay to her work may be as unhealthy as the devotion I give to Whedon).

Up next: The status is not quo...

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