So far, Echo's various imprints and engagements have been interesting (with the exception of her job as a backup singer), but even more interesting is the way she, Victor, and Sierra have been acting in their wiped states. Oh yeah, Victor; I'm still kicking myself for not realizing that the Lubov personality was merely an imprint (after all, I was fully aware that his "original" role was that of a doll, as told by Wikipedia). But these three dolls have started showing signs that they aren't as wiped as DeWitt and Laurence Dominic, the head of security, would like them to be. They are almost friends, and Echo and Sierra seemed to show that they remembered certain things from some of their imprinted personalities (sadly for me, one of these instances was the stupid "shoulder-to-the-wheel" motion that drove me insane). And let's not forget Victor's "man-reaction" to Sierra in the shower.

But let's go back to Mr. Dominic for a second. Another important thing that the dolls are remembering from their imprinted states is Mr. Dominic. Echo especially has had reasons to dislike him due to things he has done and said to her both in her active and wiped states, and she is beginning to show signs of hostility toward him in her wiped state. This does not bode well for him. I really hope that he becomes a regular next year, but at the same time, I have a feeling (and an almost equal but opposite hope) that he won't survive the year. He has legitimate reason to be afraid of Echo; she is showing signs of retaining her personalities in a way very similar to Alpha, the insane doll that somehow remembered all of his personalities. This "composite" personality made him extremely intelligent and deadly, and Dominic has every reason to not want another Alpha situation. However, I'm guessing that he could be a victim of either Alpha or Echo by season's end. On the other hand, maybe Echo will end up saving him.

Next week's episode is written by Joss Whedon, and is supposed to be blow-your-mind good. Judging by the trailer, Echo and Ballard will meet, and with any luck, we'll get to meet Alpha. But even if we don't, if it's half as good as we've been hearing, I'll still be happy.
Up next: The Watchmen according to Zack Snyder...
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