This episode did a great job showing us how Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Miles, and Daniel got involved with DHARMA and showing us where they are "now" (by now, I mean the new present day for those characters), but there is still a lot to know about the three year interim. The thing I am most interested in is how Daniel is doing. He was incredibly upset by Charlotte's death; so upset in fact that he vowed that he would change his actions to alter the timeline, something he himself said was impossible. We know that he is part of the crew building The Orchid, but aside from that, we don't really know how he is dealing with his new temporal location. Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, and Miles seem to be doing just fine. Jin can finally speak English and Sawyer and Juliet have settled down together (things are going to get awkward when Jack and Kate find out).
Speaking of Jack and Kate, I can't wait to find out how those two and Hurley get used to the 70s. Also, did Said and Sun travel back in time as well, or are they stuck in the present with Locke, Ben, and the two new characters? If Sun isn't in the 70s, Jin is going to be extra-pissed (he probably won't be happy that she came back and abandoned Ji-Yeon, but if she came back and was unable to be reunited with him, that will be salt in the wound).
"LaFleur" was definitely the best episode of the season, and I cannot wait to see where things go next.
Up next: The world will look up and shout, "Save us!"...
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