Saturday, May 17, 2008

Catching Up And Looking Ahead

Instead of doing a series of posts on a single topic or theme, the next three will be about catching up on television. There have been tremendous advancements on LOST and Battlestar Galactica. The fourth season finale of LOST is two weeks away, while the final season of Galactica is approaching its halfway point. But in addition to these two shows, I will do a post on a show that has not even premiered yet! Joss Whedon is returning to television next year with a show called Dollhouse, which will star Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy and Angel)! I may also throw in a reference to an online miniseries he's currently working on (and I am considering doing another group of posts on Buffy and Angel, where each post will showcase phenomenal episodes of each; I just can't get enough of his work!).

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