Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This Is Archaeology!

When I first had the idea to do a series on the Indiana Jones movies, I was a little skeptical, because I wasn't sure how much I could say about them. I love these movies, but they are nothing more than incredibly fun movies. They are based on adventure serials of the 1930s, and they are basically very well-done popcorn flicks (one of which was nominated for the Best Picture Oscar).

Obviously, the catalyst for considering doing the Jones films is the fact that, at long last, the long-awaited fourth film is being released in a few weeks. I will more than likely see it, but I am bracing myself for the fact that it may very well suck (Harrison Ford is a great actor, but can he still play an action hero?); however, seeing all the trailers have reengergized my love for the original trilogy.

Ultimately, I've decided to go for it and say what I can about the three films. I will analyze each as relating to the way each one's genre is viewed by the public; they are all adventure films, but the second is seen as the "horror" film of the three, while the third is seen as more comical than the other two.

Up next: Indy's Ark...

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