Sorry for the delay, but
Smash Bros. Brawl completely took over my life last week, and I spent the weekend in Ann Arbor. Anyway, "Ji-Yeon" showed us that Sun makes it off the island and has her baby. It also reintroduced us to Michael, and what was made out to be a huge surprise really wasn't because myself and more than half of
LOST fans saw the twist coming from a mile away. Michael is indeed Ben's man on the boat. A friend of mine said that they should have made Michael the captain, since everyone was going to guess he was the saboteur.
Jin and Sun's story off the island was incredibly told. I watched the episode with my dad, my brother, and his girlfriend, and we were getting into shouting matches about what was going on. As Sun was about to give birth, we see Jin rushing to get a stuffed panda bear before going to the hospital. However, we see Jin get the phone call before we see the call made at the hospital. My answer was that the flashforwards were purposefully not synched up to allow for a final twist. My guess was that, despite Jin's pledge of loyalty on the island, the pair had in fact split up after leaving the island.

You see, on the island, Juliet reveals to Jin that Sun had an affair before the crash. My thought process was that the flashforwards were being used to suggest that they split up. I also thought that the way the story seemed to go on the island, we knew that they were going to get back together, so the twist would be that Jin and Sun do in fact break up. My dad and brother had their own theories as to what was going on, but none of us came close to what was really happening. Sun was having a flashforward, while the scenes with Jin were flashbacks! He was on his way to see the Chinese Ambassador as a representative of Sun's father. In the final scene, Hurley shows up at Sun's apartment, and they visit Jin's grave. Even stranger, according to ign.com, the date of death listed on the stone is September 22nd, 2004. The date of the crash...
Up next: Senior year in Sunnydale...
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