When Sayid and Desmond finally get a moment alone with Michael, who is using the name Kevin Johnson aboard the ship, they get him to confess how he came to be Ben's man on the boat. Basically, the guilt of killing Ana Lucia and Libby had driven him to suicide. He told Walt what he did, which didn't exactly do wonders for their relationship, and Michael finally decided to end it all. But before he could, he was contacted by Tom, the man who took Walt away from him at the end of Season 1, and was "persuaded" to become a suicide bomber aboard Charles Widmore's boat.

The best moment of the episode came when we saw a call between Ben and Michael. When Michael tried to detonate the "bomb" he was given by the others, it turned out to be a fake. Ben explained to him that there are some people on the boat who are "innocents", not aware of the dark nature of Charles Widmore. Ben states that while Widmore is willing to kill innocent people on the island to get what he wants, Ben will not kill innocents on the other side. This all gets tied back to his final comment in Season 2 about how the Others are "the good guys".
In the present, Sayid turned Michael in to the possibly deranged captain. Last week's teaser told us that someone was going to die (I'm tired of them ruining the goddamn surprise!), and for a second, I thought it was going to be Sayid. I thought that the captain was going to shoot him, since we were all expecting him to do something to Michael. My brother quickly reminded me that Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6, and cannot die in the present (interestingly enough, one of my friends had the exact same idea, though he took it further, by reasoning that the emotional impact would be huge if both Desmond and Sayid were shot, seeing as how the last time two people were killed simultaneously, it tore Michael apart).
As for who did die, well, it turned out that two people died (or at least one did, while the other was fatally wounded, and may or may not die). The one who is definitely dead came as no surprise; the minute they started talking in their final scene, I knew they were a goner. The person who might still be alive, however, surprised me, because the producers have hinted at the idea that they will one day get a flashback episode (thus, I've given away that they are a guest star). However, the producers have dropped red herrings before...
Up next: Little sister comes to Sunnydale...
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