I know it's been a long time between posts, but I was away on a cruise with some friends. It was great escaping the cold weather and actually getting slightly tanned instead of bursting into flames the way I normally do (Dear The Venture Bros., sorry for stealing your joke right there). Also, believe it or not, I got some new material for this blog, that will be covered at a later date. Anyway, there have been a few episodes of LOST that need going over before getting into 30 Rock.
Let's start with "Eggtown", a Kate-centric episode that reveals who she needed to get back to in Jack's last flash-forward scene last year. The twist revealing that she has a son was definitely foreshadowed with all the sex Kate and Sawyer were having, as well as the previously-mentioned comment. But the fact that she wasn't ever pregnant and in fact has Aaron Littleton was a big shock. Desmond told Charlie that Claire and Aaron get onto a rescue helicopter because of his heroism in the Looking Glass Station, but was that just a lie? Or does something happen to Claire after getting rescued (did it use to be the Oceanic 7?!)?
But the thing that really caught me off-guard (my friend called the Aaron twist about 10 minutes into the episode) is what Locke does with Miles. I tried really hard to find a picture of it, but no luck. Anyway, after Kate tricked Hurley and Sawyer into helping her arrange a meeting between Ben and Miles, we learn that Miles is willing to betray his employers for exactly $3.2 million. We also learn that Locke is tired of people disobeying him, and he expels Kate from the Barracks and finds a novel way to punish Miles. He forces a grenade into his mouth and pulls out the pin. If Miles lets the grenade to fall out, he dies. HOLY SHIT! Locke is even crazier than ever...

Then there's "The Constant", which is the episode we've been waiting for since Desmond started to show his psychic powers. We have finally learned that time travel is in fact possible in the world of LOST. After a few hints both last year and this year, we learn that the island exists in some sort of time dilation bubble, explaining why it took so long (from the perspective of the survivors on the island) for the chopper with Lapidus, Desmond, and Sayid to reach the ship. The island also has a strange effect on people leaving, and Desmond suffers from a time-displaced consciousness. His mind is sent back to 1996, when he was still in the army. Faraday tells him to seek Faraday's past self at Oxford (back then he looked just like my film professor!) for help, prompting him to find a "constant", or a thing existing in both times. Of course, he picks Penny. This leads to a wonderful moment in the present (2004) when they are (sort of) reunited for the first time in over three years. The final shot of Faraday's notebook stating that Desmond will be his constant is interesting, suggesting that one reason Faraday seems so scatterbrained is that his consciousness is also time-displaced.
Finally, I have a prediction to make. We know that Ben has a spy on the boat, and this person is most likely the "friend" that Minkowski referred to when the sick bay door became magically unlocked. That line led me to believe that this man is none other than...

Michael Dawson. Harold Perrineau's name has been in the credits since the season premiere, but Michael has yet to reappear, and this would probably be the easiest (and most entertaining) way to reintroduce him. After all, the term "friend" certainly has an ironic meaning, since he betrayed his fellow castaways. To have joined up with Ben would only make his former friends hate him more.
Up next: 30 Rock rocks...
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