But the purpose of this post is to throw out my theories for how it will all end. The final act will be posted tonight, and I am very excited to see how everything will end. To sum things up, Dr. Horrible is a supervillain who has become disenchanted with society accepting the status quo. Captain Hammer is a jackass superhero (Horrible refers to him as a corporate tool) who exists to maintain it. Dr. Horrible is trying to change the world (and get into the Evil League of Evil), while Captain Hammer strives to keep it the same. Meanwhile, they both are interested in a young woman named Penny, who wants to make the world a better place by changing it a little at a time.
Dr. Horrible ended the last Act by vowing to kill Captain Hammer in order to prove to the Evil League of Evil that he is worthy of admission and prevent Hammer from taking Penny. I think that, true to the theme of the series, the status quo will be maintained. Dr. Horrible will be defeated by Captain Hammer again. But, maintaining the status quo means that the new homeless shelter Captain Hammer promised Penny won't get built after all, which will disillusion her with the hero. I'm not sure if she and Horrible will end up together, but if they do, I think that they will resolve to make the world a better place together, and without the aid of heroes like Captain Hammer.
Also, I don't know if Bad Horse, the leader of the Evil League of Evil will show up. He probably would work better as an unseen character due to limited budget and the fact that our imaginations could probably do a better job of picturing him, but if he does show up, he must be played by Joss Whedon. And if Whedon does play him, he must do the dance of evil (Angel fans will get that joke). So tune in tonight for what will be a very thrilling conclusion. Same Horrible time, same Horrible place!
Up next: Back to the list...
Clearly, Bad Horse will show up and be played by a horse. Of course.
(And then Dr. Horrible will try to kill Captain Hammer, but accidentally kill Bad Horse, saving Penny, not being evil, and ascending to the leadership of the ELE all at the same time)
Well, you were right about Bad Horse being a horse. But did you notice that nearly every member of the ELE was a Mutant Enemy writer?
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