Sunday, July 27, 2008

Give A Hand To The Flaming Nose

The other day, I saw a comment from a contributor to The Flaming Nose blog. She told me that The Other Worlds has been put on the Favorites list over at The Flaming Nose. I was very flattered, and went over there to check out their operation. My assessment: pretty fucking good. The Flaming Nose is staffed by a group of people who have worked in television, thus giving them more resources and time to post than some law student-to-be working out of his house.

I am writing this to both say thank you to them for finding my blog worthy enough to feature with on a site written by people who actually work or have worked for television, as well as to give my readers unfamiliar with The Flaming Nose a new and excellent blog to check out.

But don't forget to stick around here as well for some great Other Worldliness!

Up next: A world without men...


MLS said...

Congratulations! That's really great that you were recognized as producing quality work. It has been great fun reading your blog, and for me at least, it has had the desired effect. You have succeeded in piquing my interest in many shows that I had not seen or heard of previously. And it's fun to read your perspective on ones I have seen. You really have a gift for writing; it's very enjoyable to read. I look forward to reading more of your posts as they are put up. Good luck!

Andrew said...

Thank you so much for the praise! I'm glad that you're discovering great new stories! I fully believe that the films/shows/books I report on are worthy of attention, and I'm happy that both I can bring new viewers and that said new viewers enjoy learning about and experiencing them.